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4 Highly Effective Content Ideas You Must Try This Week


Updated: Mar 2, 2022

When it comes to creating content, inspiration can be hard to come by, whether for your brand or business.

But fear not, I’ve put together a shortlist for you.

These are tried and tested ways to craft engaging content for ANY platform.

These content marketing themes work on social media, blogs, podcasts, email marketing, video, and pretty much anything else you want to create.

See below for your list.

Content Marketing Ideas: Your Story

Storytelling has been the heart of content marketing for decades (if not longer), so it’s important to humanize your brand and tell the tale of who’s behind the logo.

However, it’s important to note that this is NOT just about you, but how you can HELP your audience.

  • What value does your story have to your customers or clients?

  • What does your experience offer them?

  • Is it a quality product for their home? Realtor advice? Travel tips?

Ensure when telling your story that you focus on how your experience positively impact them.

Content Marketing Ideas: How To ______

What would you insert into the blank space?

The awesome thing about this headline is that you can do ANYTHING with it!

‘How To’ content is highly valuable as it equips your reader with knowledge that essentially makes their life easier.

The key takeaway is to ensure you provide helpful tips in a simple way. This can be a quick life hack or an in-depth tutorial with easy step-by-step instructions.

Content Marketing Ideas: Ways to Save

Budget-friendly tips are always a crowd-pleaser because who doesn’t want to save money?

So, any specific content about how your clients can do that is a winner.

These tips can be anything from helping them get the most out of their marketing budget to stretching their vacation funds or perhaps maximizing their house renovation budget.

To start this type of content marketing, think about the demographics of your niche audience and what tactical and practical tips they’ll find most useful.

Content Marketing Ideas: Motivation

One of the most powerful things you can do is inspire your audience.


Because you’re instilling emotion within your reader – and that, my friends, is an almighty ability to harness.

Motivation comes in many forms, so do some research *ahem, Google* on what might best resonate with your customers. Examples range from inspirational quotes, awe-inducing imagery, or heartfelt stories.

Once you find your secret motivational sauce, you must utilize it consistently!


Birdsong Marketing provides marketing services in Canberra, Australia and beyond.

From hyper-local clients to multi-million-dollar operations, Marketing Strategist & Founder, Alison Jones leads the creation of marketing strategies based on the goals and objectives of your business, as well as the facilitation of the tactical parts of putting your plans into action. Learn More >

For more FREE marketing tips, follow @birdsongmarketing on Instagram.


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